BP Rao asked the question on the Linkedin XLRI group:

In 2009, XLRI completes 60 glorious years.What have you gained from XL? .

If we develop adequate data, this could be good feedback to the present leaders/students at XL.
Here's what I have gained:
* Deep insight into the power of people relationships. Thanks to Fr. McGrath.
* A collaborative rather than confrontation approach to issues
* The value of superior communication skills..this one is for Fr. Tome
* Simplicity and non-hierarchical way of managing.
* Friendships that have lasted for keeps:)

Some of the answers were:

My professional identity.
The desire to do good in the world was further cemented courtesy the selfless work by a lot of intellectuals at XLRI. I definitely learnt how to prioritise my time and work, a quality which I feel is critical to achieve material success. Remember that the monk first had to earn the Ferrari :-) .
The most important take-away I have had is that what we learn is most applied about 5 years into your work career. all those pieces of puzzle come together when you are problem solving and decision making. When your wrok content begins to have a diversity of challenges, that is when your investment in XL kicks in

This seems to be rhetoric question! I completely agree with Udayan - indeed my professional identity and a lot of friends! In addition to the list - I would lke to add humility, patience, optimism, crisis management, resource mobilization, 'jugaad', cost cutting, bon-homie, understanding (not from the classroom) of the tennets of credit, risk-management and financial planning, weight loss, gyan, tolerance, appreciation, achnowledgement, great times, culture, time-management, 'critical-minimum-effort' theory, 'manging' as opposed to 'management', compassion, sensitivity, community living, independence, fraternity feeling, street smartness - well the list is endless. And of course to all the professors and faculty who showed how to - and some who showed how not to!! 

Multitasking, preparing for deadlines, working with groups, peers, social responsibility, healthy lifestyle, with enough room for entertainment and letting one's hair down.

Importance of Upward Management, dealing with "bad bosses (read profs)", networking, art of politics, dramatics. Very useful for professional life.

What I learnt at XL was probably not as useful anytime in the first two years of my career, as it has now started. It has helped me put my thoughts in the most organised format and has given a weight to my words while talking amongst equals. Piggy-backing on what my seniors had created as a brand name for the college is definitely a given. However, I have already started learning the art of managing people breaking all barriers of hierarchy.
I'm sure I have got a long way to go, and what I have learnt in the college is going to push me along all through...

Well BP we are the luckier ones who had both Fr Tome and Fr McGrath so I will not repeat what you said.
I think XL gave me a world view. And maybe social skills of a corporate kind. The beauty of XL is that we learnt from each other too.